Friday, February 15, 2013

My # 1 Favorite Film of 2012

Wow. What a week. This week has been scary, exciting, dangerous, and fun. In all honestly, I'm glad I've made it to this post. Let me start off by saying that 2012 was a great year for cinema. A lot of great films came out. A lot of flops came out too, but that's for another time.

Let's focus on the great films that came out.

To start today's post off, I will disclose my Honorable Mentions list. In my opinion, these movies were fun and pretty decent in their own rights. Although they didn't make my "Top 5" doesn't mean I did not thoroughly enjoy these films. So let's get to it!



Honestly, one of my favorite animated films in years. Definitely ranks up their in all time highs within the animated category and it has an awesome and fun story that appeals to adults and kids.

This is 40

Judd Apatow. Awesome filmmaker and this one is no exception because a lot of the humor in this film is grounded in reality and I can totally see this being my life in some ways.

21 Jump Street

Channing Tatum. Nuff' said.  The chemistry between Tatum and Jonah Hill was hilarious and I look forward to their sequel. Although outrageous at times, this film has some of the best laughs to be had in 2012.


Another great comedy which is reminiscent to Family Guy in some ways due to Seth MacFarlane but very HILARIOUS!


I enjoyed this thriller mainly because of Mark Wahlberg but the action sequences are supreme and it's story is pretty sound.

Hunger Games

Jennifer Lawrence. And more Jennifer Lawrence.

The Dark Knight Rises

Mainly because this was Nolan's last Batman film, however The Dark Knight was way better in my opinion. I have a lot of problems with this film but it was a epic conclusion.

Now.... For the what everyone has been waiting for... the #1 Best Movie of 2012!!! (According to Me!)



Wow. This movie was out of nowhere. This movie was the biggest surprise of the year for me. I not only left the theater loving this film, but it grew on me. It stayed with me. If there's anything I love for than Bradley Cooper, it's Jennifer Lawrence.

The movie starts off with Cooper's character leaving a mental health care clinic where he's been for the past 8 months. Why is he in a health care clinic you ask? Well...he walked in on his wife having an affair and he snapped. He beat the heck out of the dude. So he's being released from the mental health care clinic to his mom who assumes reliability in case if he were to have another incident. A lot of things are going on here. He living back with his parents while rebuilding his whole life. He lost his job, his house, and his marriage all because of this one incident so how on earth does he become more than he once was? Watch to find out.

The characters have a LOT of issues in this film. From rage, to bi-polar disorder to gambling to OCD to everything in between. This movie had it all. Consisting of a  cast with Robert De Niro, Jennifer Lawrence, and Bradley Cooper, this movie left you feeling a wide variety of emotions that kept you longing for what could be. Although I don't believe this movie will win Best Picture this year, it should. It absolutely should. It's one of the most endearing romantic comedies in ages.

Watching these characters remain focused, discipline, and watching them learn to love again, makes these characters memorable for all that they are. These aren't the most likeable characters in a Rom-com. They are however, the most interesting.


Follow me on Twitter @TheJayBrant

Thanks for reading throughout this week! It's been fun. See you Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I like most of your honorable mentions although you missed a few. *cough* Perks of being a Wallflower *cough* Silver Linings was amazingly amazing. It made me lost for words, in a good way. Had all the greatest emotions and wonderful acting. This is my hope for Best Picture!
